Gregor Grešak is a freelance web developer since 2004. He discribes himself: “I speak fluently English, French and Italian as well as Slovenian (my mother language) and Bosnian/Serb/Croatian. I have a lot of experience with various publishing systems, I’ve build my own blogging platform, that proved to be efficient in high trafic environements. Optimization for speed is my obsession. I’ve made few sites based on CodeIgniter in the past but now I prefere frameworks like Silex, Slim or Symfony (for bigger projects). I master relational databases and I have a lot of experience with mySql/MariaDB (query optimization, indexing, schema optimitzation, database administration and optimization etc.), but I’ve been working also with Postresql. I’ve sucessfully completed the MongoDB for DBA’s course at MongoDB university and I’ve been playing around with MongoDB a little (I wrote a log to mongo and sessions to mongo libraries for CodeIgniter).
Although I am mainly a php programmer I am quite confident on the frontend too. Responsive and standard compliant HTML5/CSS3 are both a must master for a web developer. A solid knowledge of javascript and the jQuery library are also things I consider as basic. I’ve been also playing around with angular.js on some projects.
Although I am a big fan of OOP I also work with WordPress, since it is the leading software in the publishing industry. I am curently administrating about 30 WordPress installations for various clients and I love and promote the use of WP-CLI, the shell administration client for wordpress along with EasyEngine server administration tools.
I administrate a few Debian servers some running Apache, others Nginx but I also have some experience with FreeBSD.
As a freelancer I’ve sometimes been challenged with tasks like basic design, and the usage of graphic tools (as a fan of Linux, I mostly use Inkscape and Gimp).
Please, visit my Github page.
I also love photography, literature and zen …
I play well in teams and I go well along with men and women from all generations. People often describe me as a stable person. I am friendly, proactive in teamwork and an encouraging mentor, but have no problem being mentored myself.